Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Today is the Greatest Day!

we arrived!! about 8 hours too soon! (thanks chris jk) we got in around 6:30 and went to our hostel to find out we can check in at 2. so what better thing to do than drop off our bags and wonder the city. we got to enjoy the morning commute of Dublin's workers and every paper person (im being PC) on the corner tried to shove the metro in our faces i gotta stop being polite and just walk by them or wave the papers i already had in their faces but i was in awe of the city so i wasnt in thinking mode. we got some lunch and decided to chill in the at st. stephens green where josh and i passed out from our flight, that is where i saw charlotte for the first time, she spread her wings for me and showed me that swans can be friendly creatures. i pet her tail feathers ;) we later returned to check-in to the hostel and grab our 14 mixed person room. i would continue on but cher already nailed some of our experience and we dont need this getting repetitive. let me go to the night, tefel and i bought 4 polish beers each to grab ourselves a buzz, the beer was wheaty and good at first but became tough to swallow after the 3rd one, we played asshole to make it go down quicker. after dinner and a few rounds of asshole i was primed and ready for a Dublin pub! the girls took off to bed and tefel and i decided to seize the night!. we headed off to the drinking center of the city, Temple Bar district. There we went to The Temple Bar. it was around 12:30 when we arrived and closingtime was at 1 so we had our first pint of Guinness for E6.10 roughly $9 american and got cycled thru the different rooms of the bar till everyone was pushed out the door. b4 leaving we managed to make friends within the last 10mins Brige and Grace both from the midland if Ireland. after temple bar we headed to an after hours bar where we continued to drink the greatest Guinness's' of my life. the girls were cool, we chatted the night away with them till we parted ways around 3. (i think i may have made a new dmb fan out of someone) drunken' we walked back to the hostel in the Irish rain to put night one in the books. tomorrow hopefully adds up to what today brought.

1 comment:

  1. thats a pricey pint of Guinness.... probably well worth it though..... your a blogging machine rob where is everyone else??
