Friday, June 26, 2009

Cloud 9

So today was one of the best days I've had on the trip to date. We started it off with a nice continental breakfast by the hostel. This hostile is by far the largest hostel we've stayed in. There has to be 20 people in our room alone. After we took a walk to Buckingham Palace (the video needs to edited then uploaded). The changing of the guards will be blogged on in more depth since it seems to be the popular vote in the poll. As you all may know, Michael Jackson passed away therefor the guards performed Thriller and Mirror Man in honor of his memory. AMAZING. We then walked to Big Ben and let's just say it's BIG!!! I took so many gorgeous pictures that still need to be uploaded. Thank god for digital cameras, no more film to develop or batteries to buy!

To finish the day off, we had to hurry to the Dave Matthew's Concert (the boys will go into more detail.) The concert was mind blowing, I've never been so close to the stage, about 20 feet or so. We were told that they were using this show in a DVD. I'm soo in it at the end! Dave performed a mind blowing show despite the exhausting high temperatures. That and some tall ass guy kept standing in front of me!!!! Nevertheless it was all worth, specially at the end of the encore when I sat on Kup's shoulders to try and catch Carter's drum sticks. Unfortunately, we were too far and I wasn't able to catch them! :( Don't worry, it was all worth it when we sat outside the show for over an hour. I didn't think they were coming out at all, Dave was already out earlier signing autographs and taking pictures. After talking to the security guard, apparently there was a weapons threat in a car so his leaving was postponed. Leaving us with an opportunity to meet him. After an hour of waiting and debating whether or not to leave (since the tube stops running at 12:30am), Jeff and Stefan came out. Christina got her picture w/ Stefan and we met the guys! Then about 10 minutes later Dave came out. We waited patiently as his producer or manager told us not to worry he'll get around to us. So I stood next to Christina on the outer edge when Dave looked up and we caught his eyes! You could def. tell he noticed us when he looked up and smiled at us. He immediately told the other people in the crowd that he needed to get to the other side and walked directly in our direction not paying attention to the other fans. He walked directly up to me and Christina and put out his hand while he looked me in the eye and said "Hi." Oops I didn't really think I was going to meet him, so I didn't prepare anything to say. So I blurted out "Hi, I'm going to see you in Amsterdam." Then he talked to Christina, while I gathered the boys so he could take a picture of the four of us! He was so sweet!!!! After I left the circle I went to the other side of the street near the parked cars so other fans could have their turn. As he made his way to his car, Christina and I must have caught his eyes again because he looked at us and said "Sisters, I have to give the sisters a hug before I go!" Then he reached for me and gave me a huge hug, then reached in for Christina. Talk about an embrace, he nearly picked us off our feet. Thank god for Tina, because she was standing right there to yell and snap a quick candid! I still can't get the smile off my face!

I love life right now!



  1. amazing...i don't know you. but i'm friends with rob's sister. let me just say that i seriously probably would have started stuttering so bad, he would have thought i was mentally retarded. then i would have peed my pants. congratulations!!


  2. you have no idea how much i hate you right now......
