Sunday, June 28, 2009

"by me I mean you"

So tonight Cheryl and I decided we are going to do a blog together…….this was the gist of us trying…

Josh: it’s not been 2 minutes and we already have hit the backspace key more times than any letter…... If you think about that last statement its obviously false unless we sat there and hit it with no more letters left of the screen……..

Cheryl: So it’s been really hard for Josh to keep on the blog, my idea was to do this to get him writing again. So I asked him if we could write a blog together.

Josh: I said “if by we you mean you then yes”

Cheryl: Well I guess my strategy worked because Josh is the one typing….(?) So since we haven’t gotten very far in picking a topic I am just going to pick a random one. In response to the polls we have an update. Today Kup and Josh bought………

Josh: I don’t like peoples BO……

Cheryl: (smelled my armpits) ….bought a guitar and drum and they played in the park.
Josh: I mean random Europeans that walk by. Nothing personal really if I had BO my whole life I wouldn’t know how bad I smell….

Cheryl: Enough…..

Josh: Anywayyy, yes we all got some new toys today. I played in the park for 3 hours since I haven’t been able to play since we left. The idea is that we can play in the park and some street corners to see if we can make some extra $$$ while out here.
Cheryl: Since we barely got to see much of London yet we split so we could go see the Tower Bridge, the Tower of London, St. Paul’s Cathedral, and just strolled through some of the older parts of the city. (Pictures will be uploaded shortly to the webpage.)

London Tower Bridge St. Paul's Cathedral

Josh: blah blah blah, guitar is cooler….Not really, I was actually bummed that…

Cheryl: Well if it was so much cooler then why were you being a bum back at the hostel.

Josh: Listen I played for 3 hours before you came back… was that walking tour by the way???
Cheryl: Ouch………….. Literally, my feet were sore that we couldn’t do the walking tour.

Josh: Well I was bummed that I still wanted to see that stuff so I made sure Cher take lots of pictures.

Cheryl: Yea, I took some damn good pictures, watch out Ansel Adams.

Josh and Cheryl: Blank stares……….

Josh: We are trying to think outside the box and keep the blog interesting and just wanted to see how this one unfolded. Hopefully soon you will see some videos of kup and I playing on the street with a heavy hat in front of us.

Cheryl: Watch out for the pictures soon a lot of them turned out really good.

Josh: I concur

Josh: And I concur that I didn’t know what concur’s true meaning was but now I know……it just sounds like a word that is not very agreeable to be agreeable to me….say it in your head….”I concur”….think about it.

Cheryl: Josh is a little random at times but he means well, and maybe like 1 out of every 10 things are pretty good.
Josh: Ok Ok, I admit I typed that last response but honestly, think about it and you will concur.
Josh: Cheryl wants to look at her facebook pictures some more…..still can’t wipe the smile off her face. So maybe if I get the computer back I give you my story about the Dave concert.

Cheryl: Don’t let him fool you, he looks at the Dave photos just as much.

Signing out...
~cheryl and JOSH!!!


  1. I felt like I was sitting there with you!!!

  2. You guys are too much!

    <3 Laura C
