Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Calm Before the Storm


FIRST OFF!!! Dublin was awesome, I had a great time! I know everyone has filled you guys in on the activities that took place, but I will just talk a little further from my perspective. Cher and I went on an adventure on our own to the National Gallery and saw The Taking of Christ painted by Caravaggio. It is one of the most famous paintings at the museum. I was very impressed having studied the painting in my art history class in college. We also saw a number of paintings of Thomas Roberts, an Irish landscape painter. Cher mentioned below the work of Yeats and yes it was magnificent!! I was def. not disappointed. We had lunch in the park with the boys, and if you ask the boys they will tell you they had lunch in the park and we digested ours (In our defense it was cold and subway had indoor seating). As soon as the boys showed up in the park the sun came out and it was great!! We then continued our adventure to the castle.

The Taking of Christ by Caravaggio

One of the funnest (no this is not spelled wrong) times I had in Dublin was the Pub Crawl!!!
At one of the bars there was salsa dancing on the upper floor. I have to say we all captured the beat and thank god we didn’t video tape it… I kind of have a feeling the beat may have been more in head then in our feet. Regardless it was a fantastic time!!!!

We have now been in Limerick, Ireland for a few days and will be heading out to Cork tomorrow morning. Limerick is fun and has been the calm before the storm. We are actually staying in a pretty nice hotel with a swimming pool and a Jacuzzi. We have been taking every advantage of the facilities. Yesterday we went to the Castle of King John. The Castle was fun, nice and informative. We went to an authentic Irish Pub at night and by authentic I mean a bud light serving Chris Brown playing pub. It is def. very Americanized here. If you take away the wrong side of the street driving, funny road signs, and the accents you might as well be in upstate New York!!! Well… maybe not quite, but a lot more so then we expected.

There is this crazzzzyyyyy fast food restaurant here called Chicken Hut. Kup loves it, we aren’t as found of it. I have another sneaky feeling Kup may be flying here in the future just for their burgers. I know… I know it’s ironic, going to Chicken Hut for a hamburger, but it works for Kup.. Before we leave here Kup will be a well known name among the Irish folk… as Cheryl said he is the mojo of the trip. Kup could make friends with a deaf blind mute in a roller coaster (don’t know if that makes sense, but you get the idea).

So far Kup is enjoying the short skirts of the Irish girls and we learned he loves leopards (or so he tells all the girls wearing leopard print), Josh is in desperate need for a guitar, Cheryl doesn’t want to eat exotic foods such as BBQ potatoes chips and I … well… I decided my Irish accent is more British… no matter how many times I hear it.

The song of the trip thus far….. “Shake shake ah shake shake shake shaaaake ” by Metro Station. Complements of a drunk British woman trying to request a song from an Irish guitarist.

Great times conquered… MORE ANTECIPATED!!!!

Till next time!!!

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