Saturday, June 27, 2009

Shaking it like a Monkey baby, from Cork to London!!!

First off .. I would like everyone to know that we are not the only travelers in Europe this summer. I just want to give a quick shout out to Taylor, Linsey and Kira! Taylor and Linsey are high school friends and are helping out kids in Moracco ( I Know ... I know... they are great people). Kira is off to Switzerland to explore and have a great time!! I just want to wish you guys a safe and fun filled journey!!!

As you all already know our trip has just kicked it up a notch... having met Stefan and Dave Matthews!!! I have to say that I was a little more star struck then I thought I would be. I was not prepared with what to say to Dave when we talked. This was do to him coming up to talk to us instead of us going up to him. It def. caught me a little off guard, but made it that much sweeter. Having met them I must say that I am happy to report they are fantastic people. Stefan has a great sense of humor and was a really great guy! Dave... well... Dave was awesome. He is probably the only married man that could ever take my breath away! It was great! This experience was memorable to our trip, but is only one piece to our puzzle... a big ASS fucking piece... but just a piece.

Stefan and Me

Since I haven't gotten you guys caught up on my adventures in Cork... here they are:

Top Fav Moments:

1- This moment wasn't actually in Cork, but our last night in Limerick.

So have any of you had a sleep over with a number of friends and play pranks on the first person to fall asleep? If so... you are in the same predicament we were in. Josh crashed while the night was still young. Then there we were the three of us with a full can of shaving cream. We put some in his hand and ticked his cheek with my hair. It was hilarious. The first time he went to scratch his face he completely missed his head with the shaving cream. We almost died. We still have no clue how he avoided getting the shaving cream on his head. Although apparently the second time is a charm. It worked like it was straight out of a text book.

Nothing beats Cheryl and I tip toeing around the room with shaving cream, trying not to wake him.We felt like we were 12 again. It was a good time!!!

2- Irish Dancing - I was a little nervous about this, but it was fun. There is something to be said for being a twin. The instructor took Cher on the dance floor first to demonstrate. Then right after he went to get another volunteer and he grabbed me. I guess you have to be fair!!! It was fun to do some traditional Irish Dancing. In the contest at the end Josh and I kicked butt together. We didn't win, but it was def. a good try. Kup was jinxed from teh begining of the competition. His partner was half cocked, but I have to say it was hilarious to watch. Kup got pretty frustrated. Cher did good too... she had to carry her partner through the competition, but at least he was kind on the eyes.... if you know what I mean.

3- Ringing the Bells at St. Annes. - Yes Cher was the only one to make it to the top.. do to a stifling 5 Euros to enter, but the experience was memorable!!! Especially the part where they guy who was watching the door to the church locked up and left... saying "you will be ok being the only person here.. yay?". I try not to be the person who imagines things or freaks out... but I sure was thinking this could be another sequel to Hostel. Needless to say we made it out. It was a creepy church. hmmm... now they restoration donation bin makes a little more sense. Wish I donated!

4-Last night of Traditional Irish Food - Now we are figuring out how Cher and I are saving a little more money then the boys, we share everything. Including our kick ass 3 course Irish meal of a steak sandwich, Irish chicken wings, and apple crisp. We couldn't even finish it.

**** (Side note) Dad, this sandwich had that black pepper sauce that you use on that English muffin steak ... you know... the one I always forget the name too... well I just wanted to let you know this was great, but not better then yours!!!! It is now just making me crave it more!!! I know what I am having when I come home!!!!
5- Blarney castle - It was beautiful!!! Check out the Pics and the Video!!!

London is beautiful!!!.. Its a great place, but there is something to be said for the littler cities. Cork was beautiful and is my favorite city... thus far. The flight we came in on was on time and we met Tina, are friend from philly, at the airport. It couldn't have gone any smoother.
The way to the airport... well... you could say that didn't go as smooth. Below are the actions of the morning:
(We packed the previous night)

8:55 - Cher woke up and woke me up. However, she remained in bed.

9:00 - I got out of bed.

9:05 - Woke the boys up, told them we had to leave and to meet me downstairs.
9:20 - Took my bags downstairs. I wanted to have breakfast before we left.
9:30 - Cher came down to eat with me.

9:40 - NO BOYS!!
9:50 - NO BOYS!! So I went upstairs to tell them we needed to go we had 5 mins. This was right when josh was turning to go down the stairs and Kup was finishing zipping up his bag. Did I mention our bus for the airport departed at 10:00 am and we still hadn't checked out.

9:53 - Kup comes down stairs... Josh is opening up a peanut butter jar.

9:55- I get Kups key card and check out, see everyone sitting down and got a little pissy. The way you get the ball rolling with one of us is you just leave and hope they follow. So I went in the dinning room with my stuff and said the bus leaves in 5 min. and just walked out the door. Cher grabbed her stuff hastily and followed a little behind.

At the top of the big ass hill... between our hostel and the bus stop.

9:58 - Cher and I were running down the hill going where the hell are the boys... why aren't they following us. Well when we got to the end of the street we hung a right. (Later we found out the boys hung a left and were only a little further behind us then we thought). The bus stop was only a little ways down and the bus was just pulling up. We had to make a split decision. Do we get on or not! Having missed a Ryanair flight before... I didn't want to pay an extra $100 to catch the next one out. We got on the bus... but was hoping the boys were right behind. Cher and I did everything we could to stall. We dropped our change gave him the wrong amount, but still no boys.

10:03 - The bus leaves... As we go by our hill... we still don't see the boys. I honestly thought they intentionally missed the bus... or well ... at least Kup cause he was still a little pissed about the Chocolate incident the night before. Really though you can't come between Cheryl and her chocolate. She will rip your head off.

This pretty much sums up the situation!!! LMAO!!!

(Click to make Larger)

10:30 - We get a facebook message from Josh saying they ran to the bus station and couldn't find us, but they are on their way to the airport and would be there by 11.

10:58 - Rob and Josh walk through the airport doors. The exact ones Cher and I were watching like a hawk. (It helped that the airport was tiny!!)

In the end... at least everything worked out!!!

As an added bonus Josh and Kup found a capo for the guitar in the parking lot.

ok... Next post I will tell you more about London

Don't forget to shake it like a monkey baby!!!

Catch ya latta!!

- Chris

1 comment:

  1. i wish i was there sooooo bad .... you guys look like your having sooo much fun....
