Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Stop and Smell the Roses

As it turns out one of our favorite things to do in each city is sitting in the park. In Ireland on a bright sunny day like today you’ll find all the locals taking their lunch break. Not only is it a fabulous way to enjoy our current surroundings but it’s super cheap too! For instance Christina and I bought our lunch at the grocery store for under 3 euro a piece. If you ask the boys they’ll tell you that they could have done it cheaper though. Although it didn’t help that after we walked the 2 blocks to the park, took out all of our stuff did I realize that carbonated soda works just like in the US. Christina spilled it all over everything!!! Gross!!!! We didn’t let that stop us, we were determined to see the jail. Except that after a ½ hour of walking we realized that we were holding the map upside down! OOPS!!!! (I swear that I’m not making this up!) Well at least we saw the residential side of Cork! I must say Cork is one of my favorite cities in Ireland. Not too crowded and a ton of things to do. Not to mention everyone is super friendly. The pubs are very welcoming, the first night we were there we went to Clancy’s to listen to Irish Music and learn to Irish Dance. I am very proud to say that I participated in all the dances even though after three of them I wanted to vomit because all they do is stomp their feet and turn around in circles really fast! I didn’t dance with anyone who spoke English! They were from France or some other country. So it is official I know how to dance the “Devil is Dead.” Of course we listened to a ton of Irish music and finished the trip with a traditional Irish dinner at Clancy’s. Out of the entire trip to Cork, my absolute most memorable moments (besides the Blarney Stone) was when I went to St. Anne’s Cathedral in Shandon. I had read in a travel book that you can ring the bells. So of course I had been bugging everyone to do it since Dublin! Although when we got there for the second time, the first time it was closed, we realized that it cost 5 euro. Neither of us wanted to shell out the cash, so the gang was super sweet and chipped in so that I could go by myself. So worth it, it was super scary. I was the only one in the Cathedral, Christina waited at the bottom for me while the boys went shopping. Not a soul was in my path. The silence of the cathedral was wary and every step made a creak. I proceeded with caution when I met the ropes to ring the bells. I set my camera on the ledge to put the timer mode on so I could take my picture. I tried my best to play Crash on the bells (DMB song), I don’t think it sounded right though. Christina took a video from the outside! When I reached the actual bells I was greeted by a group of pigeons flying at me. It literally made me jump. I thought I was going to fall down the long narrow unwalked steps. After a minute, I decided to climb the stairs around the bells. As my legs shook I continued the climb to the very top. I opened up the worn wooden door to the most beautiful peaceful view of the city of Cork. Breathtaking, I gathered my camera and took as many pictures as I could. The church was closing soon, so I had to hurry out. So worth the 5 euro!

I love Cork and according to my sister, this is where part of my family originated!



1 comment:

  1. really....our family is from Cork
