Monday, June 15, 2009

Dave Matthews Concert

Hey All!!!!

So not too much time to write! Talk about your last minute craziness!!!! The Dave Concert was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!! However, we did have our rough moments as Christina has previously mentioned. Since we arrived soo late on Friday (mostly because I needed to get my hair done and eat my favoritist pizza in the world) we didn't arrive in Saratoga until 5pm leaving us no time to check in to our expensive ass campsite! The concert was obviously mind blowing, so frickin good! But when we got back to our campsite after we left our gear full car in Price Chopper parking lot, we were greeted with the wetlands!!!!! Due to the overwelming number of cars (Lee's Campground only gives out a few parking permits) we had to carry what we could into Sarah's car. Leaving us only with half-assed tent, one blanket (thanks chris, when I asked if you had the blankets I meant more than one!), and a twin air mattress! Did I mention it was like 40 degrees and this had to cover four people!!!! Haha... we froze our asses off! The next day wasn't as bad, of course I went shopping all day! (Have I ever mentioned my hatred for Verizon) I pretty much spent the entire tailgate party in the back of Lindsay's car while it poured working on the two signs the boys wanted to hold up while Dave's bus drove by! I have to say considering I had nothing but a pencil, marker and poster board I made a pretty decent sign. One sign said, "Can't Wait to Jam in Amsterdam" and the other said "Jeff, Hope we popped your cherries (w/ a pic of cherries)" Yeah I know thanks for the ideas Justin!!! Christina had to leave, unfortunately causing her to miss the greatest DMB concert of the tour!!! And she wasn't able to hold the sign in the pouring rain did I mentioned it rained the entire concert! It was so worth it. The $5 for the cotton candy was so worth it too. The second night at the campground wasn't as bad because we brought more blankets this time. But since it rained all day our tent was soaked! It wasn't too bad though, I toughed it out.... I hope I don't get sick!

1) I have to agree, Kup's hot dog was one of the funniest parts of the trip.
2) I've never felt so dirty in the rain.
3) Who the hell would ever buy a twin air mattress (JOSH!!)
4) Never just leave a tent behind just because it's muddy!
5) NEVER put an unopened bottle of beer in the fire and not expect at least one person to get cut when you throw stuff at it to explode!!!!
6)Don't just leave your wood around the fire because some 16 year old annoy DMB wanna be's will steal it!
7) And just remember, It's funny the way it is!



  1. the tent was trashed!!!!! give it up

  2. this blog is setup weird.... im trying to figure it out

  3. What's so hard to figure out, it goes from most recent to the oldest?? It could be cause Kup added some entries after me.

