Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Lazy Dublin Day!

after a night of fun in dublins fair city where the girls are so pretty we (tef and i) took a little longer to wake up than usual. (it was a good night lol) after eating at the hostel's lame ass breakfast tef and i took off for a walk. as we were walking through the streets we bobbed in and out of shops to check out what dublin had to offer. low and behold i stumbled upon a few head shops where i purchased "legal bud" i walked and smoked got a lil high but nothing like "real bud" this shit made me tried, we went to city hall waked around and then to dublin castle. that is where the high wore off and i wanted to pass out on a 17th century sofa but i have a feeling i might have been shunned had i sat on the artifacts. it was pretty cool to see old castle walls from the Early13th century and an old viking castle wall from 1000 years ago. i walked on the same steps as servants did in the 1300's amazing when you think about it. after dublin castle tef and i proceeded to grab some lunch and meet the girls for a snack in the park. we ate gyros and had a coke. it was delicious because it was the cheapest meal yet. the girls took off to dublin castle while josh and i sat in the park waiting for nothing. i napped under a tree while josh read for a bit then napped, i got almost a 3 hour nap in, St. Stephens green is the place to be around lunchtime. people everywhere, sitting, chatting, eating, and enjoying life. after our naps we walked around the south side of the liffy(the river separating the city in 2). i had to pee, we went to the history museum but it closed at 5 and we were too late. i was hoping to pee there but unfortunately i had to continue my search for a Lou (bathroom). lucky for me they were holding a bike race/rally today and i got myself into one of the port-o-Potty's just in time. granted there is a MacDonald's on every corner here, there was not one in the location of the museum. we decided to head back to the hostel to make dinner with the girls. josh and i had dinner for under E2.00 each. grocery stores are saviors!! josh cooked a delicious meal and i did the dishes. now here i sit waiting for the girls to get back from the shower so we can go out and listen to some traditional Irish music.
Until tomorrow!!!
~Kup (coop) for those of you that dont know me! and sorry for my language and dirtiness it just comes out sometimes.
p.s. miss all you guys back home!

1 comment:

  1. Awww sounds like you are having fun! Very cool website of your travels. Neat idea! Keep us posted :0)

