Monday, June 29, 2009
Thoughts by Cheryl
What's so wrong with conditioner? It is ridiculously hard to find conditioner in Europe, thank god I bought two bottles!
I've come to the conclusion that there are no two toilets alike!
Nobody knows Verizon or Sprint!
People drive like maniacs! Never stopping!
Why don't people like deodrant? Seriosly some people really smell, especially when it's 90 degrees outside!
None of the public transportation in Paris or London uses air conditioning. I'm pretty sure I came close to having a heat stroke. Actually, our hostel and hotel didn't have it either!!!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
"by me I mean you"
Josh: it’s not been 2 minutes and we already have hit the backspace key more times than any letter…... If you think about that last statement its obviously false unless we sat there and hit it with no more letters left of the screen……..
Cheryl: So it’s been really hard for Josh to keep on the blog, my idea was to do this to get him writing again. So I asked him if we could write a blog together.
Josh: I said “if by we you mean you then yes”
Josh: blah blah blah, guitar is cooler….Not really, I was actually bummed that…
Cheryl: Well if it was so much cooler then why were you being a bum back at the hostel.
Josh: Listen I played for 3 hours before you came back… was that walking tour by the way???
Cheryl: Don’t let him fool you, he looks at the Dave photos just as much.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Shaking it like a Monkey baby, from Cork to London!!!
Stefan and Me
2- Irish Dancing - I was a little nervous about this, but it was fun. There is something to be said for being a twin. The instructor took Cher on the dance floor first to demonstrate. Then right after he went to get another volunteer and he grabbed me. I guess you have to be fair!!! It was fun to do some traditional Irish Dancing. In the contest at the end Josh and I kicked butt together. We didn't win, but it was def. a good try. Kup was jinxed from teh begining of the competition. His partner was half cocked, but I have to say it was hilarious to watch. Kup got pretty frustrated. Cher did good too... she had to carry her partner through the competition, but at least he was kind on the eyes.... if you know what I mean.
**** (Side note) Dad, this sandwich had that black pepper sauce that you use on that English muffin steak ... you know... the one I always forget the name too... well I just wanted to let you know this was great, but not better then yours!!!! It is now just making me crave it more!!! I know what I am having when I come home!!!!
8:55 - Cher woke up and woke me up. However, she remained in bed.
9:00 - I got out of bed.
This pretty much sums up the situation!!! LMAO!!!
(Click to make Larger)
10:30 - We get a facebook message from Josh saying they ran to the bus station and couldn't find us, but they are on their way to the airport and would be there by 11.
In the end... at least everything worked out!!!
Catch ya latta!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Cloud 9
So today was one of the best days I've had on the trip to date. We started it off with a nice continental breakfast by the hostel. This hostile is by far the largest hostel we've stayed in. There has to be 20 people in our room alone. After we took a walk to Buckingham Palace (the video needs to edited then uploaded). The changing of the guards will be blogged on in more depth since it seems to be the popular vote in the poll. As you all may know, Michael Jackson passed away therefor the guards performed Thriller and Mirror Man in honor of his memory. AMAZING. We then walked to Big Ben and let's just say it's BIG!!! I took so many gorgeous pictures that still need to be uploaded. Thank god for digital cameras, no more film to develop or batteries to buy!
To finish the day off, we had to hurry to the Dave Matthew's Concert (the boys will go into more detail.) The concert was mind blowing, I've never been so close to the stage, about 20 feet or so. We were told that they were using this show in a DVD. I'm soo in it at the end! Dave performed a mind blowing show despite the exhausting high temperatures. That and some tall ass guy kept standing in front of me!!!! Nevertheless it was all worth, specially at the end of the encore when I sat on Kup's shoulders to try and catch Carter's drum sticks. Unfortunately, we were too far and I wasn't able to catch them! :( Don't worry, it was all worth it when we sat outside the show for over an hour. I didn't think they were coming out at all, Dave was already out earlier signing autographs and taking pictures. After talking to the security guard, apparently there was a weapons threat in a car so his leaving was postponed. Leaving us with an opportunity to meet him. After an hour of waiting and debating whether or not to leave (since the tube stops running at 12:30am), Jeff and Stefan came out. Christina got her picture w/ Stefan and we met the guys! Then about 10 minutes later Dave came out. We waited patiently as his producer or manager told us not to worry he'll get around to us. So I stood next to Christina on the outer edge when Dave looked up and we caught his eyes! You could def. tell he noticed us when he looked up and smiled at us. He immediately told the other people in the crowd that he needed to get to the other side and walked directly in our direction not paying attention to the other fans. He walked directly up to me and Christina and put out his hand while he looked me in the eye and said "Hi." Oops I didn't really think I was going to meet him, so I didn't prepare anything to say. So I blurted out "Hi, I'm going to see you in Amsterdam." Then he talked to Christina, while I gathered the boys so he could take a picture of the four of us! He was so sweet!!!! After I left the circle I went to the other side of the street near the parked cars so other fans could have their turn. As he made his way to his car, Christina and I must have caught his eyes again because he looked at us and said "Sisters, I have to give the sisters a hug before I go!" Then he reached for me and gave me a huge hug, then reached in for Christina. Talk about an embrace, he nearly picked us off our feet. Thank god for Tina, because she was standing right there to yell and snap a quick candid! I still can't get the smile off my face!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Stop and Smell the Roses
I love Cork and according to my sister, this is where part of my family originated!
The Poll to Your Right!!!
Option 1: Gay Bar Bingo - ok I think this one speaks for itself. All four of us would go to a gay bar to play bingo.
Option 2: On Sundays in London there is this "festival" of sorts called The Church, not to be confused with the religious sense of the term. There is drinking and crazziness at this "festival". It is perfectly normal and acceptable to act a little wacko!!!! If you were to vote for this Cher and I would dress like men... but better yet Josh and Kup will dress in our clothes.
Option 3: The Changing of the Guards at Buckingham Palace. Yes, this a must see, but only if you tell us that!!!!
Option 4: Scavenger Hunt: Boys vs Girls;
Cher, Tina, and I vs Josh and Kup. We will be given a list of 7 items or ideas we need to complete throughout Sunday in London. The first team to successfully complete this wins (or has the most completed by a certain time). What they win is still up for discussion, so ideas are welcomed.
List of Scavenger Hunt Items:
1. Finding out a Authentic English Drinking Game (something tells me that they might not play Beer Pong)
2. Finding 5 DIFFERENT English Beer or Liquor Bottle Caps.
3. Get a Picture of your team togeather in a Red Phone Box!
4. Find Something Beetles (the Band) related.
5. Convince one person that we are NOT American (I am really trusting my British accent on this)
6. Take a picture with Peterpan!!
7. Find the tallest building in London.
Anymore ideas? ... You can e-mail us on the contact page!!!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Limerick will make you sick!!!!
Blarney Stone!
There was a Sherlock Holmes story that involved the Blarney Stone, (this was before the grab bars) they put grease on his boots and he fell to his death.
There are several myths to why the Blarney Stone is placed where it is,
was part of the wailing wall in Jerusalam brought to Ireland during the Crusades.
was half of the original Stone of Scone, it was a pillow for Jacob and brought by the prophet Jermiah, this was the rock that Moses struck with his staff, and it's said to be the "Stone of Destiny."
Apparently, Texas Tech University has piece of the Blarney Stone but it has not yet been proven!
By kissing the Blarney Stone we should now have the gift of gab very different than Baloney (as it's written all over the castle walls)!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The Calm Before the Storm
FIRST OFF!!! Dublin was awesome, I had a great time! I know everyone has filled you guys in on the activities that took place, but I will just talk a little further from my perspective. Cher and I went on an adventure on our own to the National Gallery and saw The Taking of Christ painted by Caravaggio. It is one of the most famous paintings at the museum. I was very impressed having studied the painting in my art history class in college. We also saw a number of paintings of Thomas Roberts, an Irish landscape painter. Cher mentioned below the work of Yeats and yes it was magnificent!! I was def. not disappointed. We had lunch in the park with the boys, and if you ask the boys they will tell you they had lunch in the park and we digested ours (In our defense it was cold and subway had indoor seating). As soon as the boys showed up in the park the sun came out and it was great!! We then continued our adventure to the castle.
The Taking of Christ by Caravaggio
One of the funnest (no this is not spelled wrong) times I had in Dublin was the Pub Crawl!!!
At one of the bars there was salsa dancing on the upper floor. I have to say we all captured the beat and thank god we didn’t video tape it… I kind of have a feeling the beat may have been more in head then in our feet. Regardless it was a fantastic time!!!!
We have now been in Limerick, Ireland for a few days and will be heading out to Cork tomorrow morning. Limerick is fun and has been the calm before the storm. We are actually staying in a pretty nice hotel with a swimming pool and a Jacuzzi. We have been taking every advantage of the facilities. Yesterday we went to the Castle of King John. The Castle was fun, nice and informative. We went to an authentic Irish Pub at night and by authentic I mean a bud light serving Chris Brown playing pub. It is def. very Americanized here. If you take away the wrong side of the street driving, funny road signs, and the accents you might as well be in upstate New York!!! Well… maybe not quite, but a lot more so then we expected.
There is this crazzzzyyyyy fast food restaurant here called Chicken Hut. Kup loves it, we aren’t as found of it. I have another sneaky feeling Kup may be flying here in the future just for their burgers. I know… I know it’s ironic, going to Chicken Hut for a hamburger, but it works for Kup.. Before we leave here Kup will be a well known name among the Irish folk… as Cheryl said he is the mojo of the trip. Kup could make friends with a deaf blind mute in a roller coaster (don’t know if that makes sense, but you get the idea).
So far Kup is enjoying the short skirts of the Irish girls and we learned he loves leopards (or so he tells all the girls wearing leopard print), Josh is in desperate need for a guitar, Cheryl doesn’t want to eat exotic foods such as BBQ potatoes chips and I … well… I decided my Irish accent is more British… no matter how many times I hear it.
The song of the trip thus far….. “Shake shake ah shake shake shake shaaaake ” by Metro Station. Complements of a drunk British woman trying to request a song from an Irish guitarist.
Great times conquered… MORE ANTECIPATED!!!!
Till next time!!!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Lazy Dublin Day!
Until tomorrow!!!
~Kup (coop) for those of you that dont know me! and sorry for my language and dirtiness it just comes out sometimes.
p.s. miss all you guys back home!
Today is the Greatest Day!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sexy Motha' Fucka' Shakin' that ass, shakin' that ASS!!
Dave Matthews Concert
So not too much time to write! Talk about your last minute craziness!!!! The Dave Concert was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!! However, we did have our rough moments as Christina has previously mentioned. Since we arrived soo late on Friday (mostly because I needed to get my hair done and eat my favoritist pizza in the world) we didn't arrive in Saratoga until 5pm leaving us no time to check in to our expensive ass campsite! The concert was obviously mind blowing, so frickin good! But when we got back to our campsite after we left our gear full car in Price Chopper parking lot, we were greeted with the wetlands!!!!! Due to the overwelming number of cars (Lee's Campground only gives out a few parking permits) we had to carry what we could into Sarah's car. Leaving us only with half-assed tent, one blanket (thanks chris, when I asked if you had the blankets I meant more than one!), and a twin air mattress! Did I mention it was like 40 degrees and this had to cover four people!!!! Haha... we froze our asses off! The next day wasn't as bad, of course I went shopping all day! (Have I ever mentioned my hatred for Verizon) I pretty much spent the entire tailgate party in the back of Lindsay's car while it poured working on the two signs the boys wanted to hold up while Dave's bus drove by! I have to say considering I had nothing but a pencil, marker and poster board I made a pretty decent sign. One sign said, "Can't Wait to Jam in Amsterdam" and the other said "Jeff, Hope we popped your cherries (w/ a pic of cherries)" Yeah I know thanks for the ideas Justin!!! Christina had to leave, unfortunately causing her to miss the greatest DMB concert of the tour!!! And she wasn't able to hold the sign in the pouring rain did I mentioned it rained the entire concert! It was so worth it. The $5 for the cotton candy was so worth it too. The second night at the campground wasn't as bad because we brought more blankets this time. But since it rained all day our tent was soaked! It wasn't too bad though, I toughed it out.... I hope I don't get sick!
1) I have to agree, Kup's hot dog was one of the funniest parts of the trip.
2) I've never felt so dirty in the rain.
3) Who the hell would ever buy a twin air mattress (JOSH!!)
4) Never just leave a tent behind just because it's muddy!
5) NEVER put an unopened bottle of beer in the fire and not expect at least one person to get cut when you throw stuff at it to explode!!!!
6)Don't just leave your wood around the fire because some 16 year old annoy DMB wanna be's will steal it!
7) And just remember, It's funny the way it is!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Time is not on our side....
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Passport Crazziness
Silverlining... I live near the Passport Agency, I have a passport, I met some cool people and I learned what to do in the event that I loose my passport or birth certificate!
Ok... I have never blogged before.... but... if I have to think of anything to say about the trip its.. .DITO!!!
Its pretty much all summed up in the blog below... by Cher.
I am super excited and extremely nervous. Excited for the trip... but nervous for the time before we leave.
I still have to get a ton of stuff!! These next few day will be soo long and not long enough (if you know what I mean).
Today is my last day of my second job, and tomorrow is the last day of my first job! I will def. be celebebrating!
So... from 11 days from now we will be in Ireland!!!!! YAHHHOOOOOO, can't wait!!!!!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Passport Issue
Tip: Always... always keep your passport in a safe place!!!! (That and your birth certificate, damn where the hell did I put that thing???)