Thursday, July 16, 2009


Good-bye Berlin! Our train was the best way to travel thus far, we had a nice little cabin to ourselves (which we destroyed in all of ten minutes!), a dining car to have super cheap food at, and if you wore your socks in the walk way you could slide from one side of the car to the next! By far the best way to travel in my opinion! The train was so good that when we arrived in Warsaw we sat on the train for about ten minutes not realizing that we had arrived. We may not have flown but the time sure did!

Our hostel is in a family run old house, very homie! It's perfect for what we need, and only about 15 minutes from the train station. We just wish we knew that before we walked the hour and 1/2 to get here, missing the street not once but twice!!!!

Today, we're meeting up with a friend of ours, Woz! He was our foreign exchange student from high school. He should actually be here in about a 1/2 hour to give us a tour of the city and hangout!

Well, till next time!


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