Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Amsterdam + Christina = One Kick Ass Time

Hope you are all having a kick ass summer!!!

as for us....

So we have official left the Paris region and have entered the land of tradition and heritage. I know I myself was looking forward to seeing the well known architecture and history behind this great city, I mean thats what its known for, right? Well.. I guess you guys can only assume which city I am refering to. Yep thats right... AMSTERDAM. Otherwise known as the city of good clean fun (ok I made that up, but if you aren't familiar with Amsterdam... umm... yeah what I said was true)

So in an effort to conserve energy and to keep Kup from exploding from the excitment of Amsterdamian charm we stayed our first few nights in a cabin outside the city (you can see the pics above). I loved this place!!! This was by far the best sleep I have gotten since we left on our adventure. I was actually kind of sad to move to our hostel in city center.

We spent the first few days of our trip litterlay relaxing and taking in the Holland country side. EVERYONE RIDES BIKES AROUND HERE!!! Word to the wise for anyone coming to Amsterdam... WATCH OUT FOR THOSE BIKES!!!! You sure know they wont be watching out for you. Around here the bikes rule the road.

So here we go guys... Top Memorable Moments of Amsterdam!!!!:

1. Cher catching Carters Drum Stick!! (This is the drummer for the Dave Matthews Band, did we mention front row!!!!)

So.. if you have looked at our Where are we headed to next? page on our website you would see that we had our Dave Matthews Band Concert here. Well... the concert was awesome. We were front row!!!! If you look at the videos posted, you can see how awesome the concert was. At the end of the concert Cher got on Rob's shoulders. So together they got Carter's drum stick!!! Everyone was jealous!!!!

2. NUTELLA!!!!

I never thought Iwould be a person to promote a product like this. You know what though... this product is the shit and needs promoting. Kup and Cher convinced me to try Nutella and it was awesome. It is soooooo good with strawberries. It is safe to say I have a new addiction.


I am not kidding... in that cabin in the country. It def. was the best sleep EVER!!!!! (or atleast since we left for Europe). Let me give you an example of an average day:

Some Random Time between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm - Wake up

2:00 - Have Lunch - go into town

6:00 - Take a nap

9:00 - Dinner

12:00 - Sleep

(It was very relaxing and I loved it!!!)

4. The Library of Amsterdam

I know this is not on any tourists lists of places to see, but I have to say it was one of my favorite places in Amsterdam. This library was 6 levels of awesomness. There is free internet, music, videos. This library was so interavtive and user friendly. I loved it!!! Plus... I loved how the building was designed...well... most of it!!!

5. Kup hiding Carters Drum Stick

We found something else that Cheryl is crazzzzyyy about. The damn drum stick she cought. While we were at a coffee shop Kup saw the drum stick in Cheryl's purse. He took it out and hid it in his back pocket. About an hour later Cher and I were walking back to the Hostel when she realized she didn't have the stick. She nearly had a heart attack. It was really funny, but only cause Kup had the stick all along and without a plan was walking about 20 feet behind us!

6. Tricking Kup that his Tide Pen was actually Bleach:

Its hard to get Kup, so when you do... its hilarious!!! Well we tricked him that the pen he was using to get a stain out of his Guiness shirt was bleach not detergent. It was hilarious to see him completley bummed out!! Then Josh was like Kup try and use this pen to get the stain out and Kup looks up and was like oh man.. you guys!!! The pen Josh was handing Kup was the same kind he was using. It was funny... you may have had to been there to get it.

(trust me ... I am laughing)

ok... ok.... now here comes the culture and history of Amsterdam, so if you don't want to read this stuff.... skip to the end!!!

Above is a picture of a church in a courtyard of Amsterdam. Amsterdams unsaid motto is Do what you want, but be descret. This motto is reflected in much of the city. A few examples are the very popular coffee shops. Coffee Shops are the cafes where weed is smoked and purchased. There are only two places in the entire city of Amsterdam that can actually use the words Marijuana (or any other WEED term) in there name or adverstisments. Those two places are the Marijuana and Hash muesume and the Institute of Marijuna ( I forget if it was Institute or School of.. but its along those lines). Another example are the hidden churches.

If you have ever been to Amsterdam you know that its a beautiful place filled with canals, stone streets, and interesting architecture, but thats only half of what there is to see. There are all these hidden courtyards scattered throughout the city. Most of these are private, but a few are public. The pic below is of a courtyard we were able to go into and the pic above is a church in that court yard. Many years ago Amsterdam was not a supporter of catholicism, however they did not discourage the practing of ones faith just as long as it was discreate. For this reason there were many churches built in peoples homes or private court yards. This is just like the situation of the church that you see above.

The picture below is of the Royal Palace in Amsterdam. It wasn't always the royal palace it used to be the state house. When Napoleon invaded Amsterdam he wanted his brother Louis Bonaparte to rule Amsterdam. Louise wanted a Royal Palace and the only place he could find was the state house.

SIDE NOTE: The amsterdamian people did not respect the french very much and that may have been because when Louise took rule. Lousie wanted to address the people of Amsterdam in there native tongue... however french tongue has a little more of a nasal flare to it and Louise couldn''t get the language down. So he decided to try and just say a few words... I am your King. However it came out I am your rabit. Needless to say he looked like a fool.

Below is the Narrowist house in Amsterdam.

They said the man who lives in the house is taller then the width of the house.

Above is the Coffee Shop that was used in the filming of Oceans 12.

Favorite Random Quote of Amsterdam:
Josh: Sometimes I feel like my life is a movie...
Me: yeah and you are the only one watching.
(its a knee slapper)
So guys!!! There is a lot more information, but I don't have time to type it all. If you want to find out more I will tell you latta!!!
Catch ya!!!!

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