Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Berlin'in it out...

Ireland, I think of green; Paris, I think of fashion; London, I think of Big Ben; Amsterdam, I think of Bikes. Not going to lie, out of all the cities we’ve seen I’ve talked about how excited I’ve been this was so not the case for Berlin. When I think of Berlin I think of a large grey block. Nothing interesting, very stern unfriendly people, with a lot of horrible history. In a way I guess I was prejudging subconsciously. Either that or it could have been that I was missing the boys and that it was cold, raining and there was no park but I was miserable for the first day. I couldn’t get warm, I didn’t know the language and people seemed to be much ruder here than anywhere else. So I pretty much didn’t feel like doing anything! Although, I stuck it out, the people in our hostile turned out to be the most friendly people we’ve met to date. They were from everywhere, Cali, Texas, Canada! The next day we did a free walking tour with some of our fellow travelers, 200 people showed up for the tour and I was number 176. Obviously we weren’t going to be making the tour because our numbers were too high. Instead, we just tagged along with an earlier tour in hopes that we wouldn’t be noticed! We visited so much of Germany! Check out the pics on the website. When I get more time, I’ll try to tell you the stories of each site. The Holocaust Memorial was the coolest place here, this is where I came up with the idea of hide and seek (Christina will fill you in) Instead of Germany depressing me and reminding me of the bad things people are capable of doing, I almost feel like I was given a sense of hope. I really feel that the history behind such horrific events should be studied and understood to help guide us in the present! I wont bore you with my thoughts and theories but if anyone’s ever interested feel free to join me for a cup of tea!

Our night out without the boys was pretty fun actually, we went on a pub crawl with about 200 people. Apparently without bodyguard A and bodyguard B, we were much more approachable. We spent the night mingling and just having fun. Five bars in six hours, good times. It was pretty funny because the majority of the people we met were again from the Americas!!!! Here’s a quick cap of who we met: (this is more for my recollection though)

Australia: Cool, really good dancer, and super sweet guy!

Denmark Soldier: he was lost on the train and coincidently was staying at our same hostile so we took him back w/ us. He was home on holiday because he is a Srgt in Denmark’s military. Kinda cool hearing a different perspective on Afghanistan and Iraq stuff!

Holland Boys: I pretty much spent the entire night trying to learn four German words, thanks to the Holland Boys! They were also super sweet guys and looked out for us the entire night.

Cali Boys: They all turned 20 and were wicked drunk. I’m pretty sure the one guy wanted to make out because every time he would lean over to talk he would pretty much be spitting in my ear. And the boyfriend card has been played!!!!!

CANADA: We met a ridiculous amount of people from Canada! All seem very cool, but I’m starting to be able to tell the difference from the people in Toronto, British Columbia, and Quebec. Very different!!!

And of course there were tons of different people, I would definitely recommend the pub crawls for anyone interested in meeting a ton of people!!!!
Now that are time away from the boys is coming to an end, we’ll be meeting them tomorrow at our new hostel!


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