Wednesday, July 15, 2009


We now have our Tina replacement!

Tina, was pretty much our spirit of the group having fun on the pub crawls, catching random men's attention. Oh the stories we could've maybe should've told, well on another thought maybe its good that they are untold. Ahhh the memories!

Alyssa, arrived a few days ago from Italy where her family lives. She is one of our closest friends having gone to high school with us. She now lives in NYC and works as a school teacher for a local high school teaching Biology and Psychology which she absolutely loves. She's good hearted and hysterical. If anyone ever thought I was a clutz they need to meet Alyssa! I'm surprised she still has all of her limbs attached. Very rarely have I ever seen her without a smile on her face, laughter usually follows each sentence. I'm sure having her around will spice things up a bit!

So farewell, Tina, you will be missed!

Welcome, Alyssa, let the adventures continue!!!!!


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