Sunday, July 19, 2009


So now that the days are flying by, its harder and harder to keep up on the blog. Christina's doing great with updating the pictures and videos to the website but it's still difficult to find time everyday to write, especially when there's no internet access. With that in mind, please don't mind the gramatical errors of the next few blogs. I'm way too tired tonight to re-read everything. Plus, I type faster than I can think!!!!

Warsaw, is one of Poland's most European city! It's pretty large, and everyone drives like maniacs. Every time we take a taxi, I'm surprised we're still alive. They must go through so many breakpads because every light they slam on their brakes!!!! We didn't do too much site seeing as our main priority was visiting Woz, a friend of ours from high school. He was our foreign exchange student our senior year. He lives about fifteen minutes away from the hostil we stayed at. Right now he is a lead singer in a band called Afrometal, a pretty popular band in Poland. To be honest I hadn't heard much of his music until about two days ago. He took us to old city where we saw the oldest buildings in Warsaw, they were beautiful and full of life! Traditional perogies were our lunch that day, I didn't think I'd be a fan but not bad at all!! It was also nice because we had Woz there to interpret. The afternoon was of course spent in one of Poland's most beautiful parks were we watched a couple celebrate there wedding. Although, we were very amused at the random peacocks walking around.

It wasn't until that night, that we realized Poland guys like to party hard!!!! We went to the Hard Rock Cafe for dinner, then the Mono Bar for a jam session. This was pretty cool, because a bunch of Woz's friends were at the bar and are very talented. The have a set of instruments on stage and whoever wants to play or sing goes up and plays with whoever's up there. It was amazing!!! I'm also pretty sure we are now know in Poland as the crazy Americans that can't dance!!! We didn't get home that evening until about 6am, the food and the laughter was heavy that night. So of course the next day we spent passed out in bed (apparently we got some complaints because we were too loud!) Shopping was our next priority! Still there was no place for the girls to get our nails done (way too expensive), no piercing studio found, but the boys bought some new clothes because they ran out of clean ones. One of the top picks for the evening was some wacky ball thing that Woz bought the boys, you spin it in your hand to see how fast you can get it to go. I guess everyone's into this game over here. And of course the boys were then occupied for the rest of the night.

Last night, would be our craziest and wackiest night. Since Woz is in a band (we kinda got a gist that he was a semi celebrity when people would stop him in the mall and ask for his picture or autograph) we were invited to watch him play up north at Bikupiec. We left early that morning to catch the tour bus where we met the rest of the six band members and crew They even gave us a before show, show using Josh's guitar on the bus. All of the guys are super sweet and really fun to hangout with (check out the pics on the website to learn more). Lucky for us they all spoke English really well. I can only say about two words in Polish!!!! The manager was sweet enough to book us a hotel room at their hotel. Three hours later we were watching the band setup and get ready for the night. To my surprise, the guys were pretty serious about their music. After we had settled into our hotel room, we went back to the concert as the guys were playing last. This is when it hit me that the guys were kinda a big thing in Poland. Girls were screaming everywhere, asking for autographs or pictures. It was super cute! Of course we got backstage passes and took a ton of pics, Kup was all over the place! He really seemed comfortable walking around the stage and even on some parts of the stage. The guys were super good, we took a video of the show and plan on posting some of their songs to the webpage! Alll the guys are really talented and such good musicians! It wasn't until the end of the show when a crowd of girls covered the rec building chanting the guys names that I was the most entertained. There were so many girls who wanted to meet them!!! Even one of them asked for Josh's autograph (way to go Josh!!!) We actually had to wait around quite awhile before we could go back to the hotel room. Talk about the other side of the spectrum, it wasn't even a month ago that we were those girls waiting for Dave! Ok, ok at least we didn't scream and throw our panties on stage!

The party didn't really start until we got back to the hotel. It was ridiculous and so much fun. The guys were hysterical and couldn't stop making me laugh!!! Every two seconds theree was a joke, or something fun going on. I especially loved the little pup that followed us around. (Probably because I kept sneaking him food) Again we didn't go to bed till about 6am, only to have to get up only a few hours later. Oh yeah, apparently Woz and I were married at some point during the night. So for the rest of the day today we refferred to ourselves as a married couple. The relationship started off on a high note, but fizzled when he found out about my love affair with another man. Only took a day to ruin that marriage!!! I even picked out my rings while the boys tried to play golf (it started to rain, so before they could finish the first hole they came running back!) The ring is a million dollars and will be engraved to me. Thanks WOZ!!!!!

We are now back in Warsaw, no hostil was booked so we decided to check out the hotels online, finding a super good deal for a five star hotel righ tnext to the train station. We took super long baths and are now just trying to get back to reality. Kup, however is done...finished!!!! He ran out of money and only has enough for his plane ticket home. So he stayed at Woz's place, his flight leaves tomorrow from Warsaw into NYC. None of us had planned on it happening so quickly. We're all really sad to see him go, I mean he is our mojo! :( It's only been a few hours since our good-byes and we already miss Woz and Kup. I think we need to start planning our next trip out here.

Tomorrow, we will be taking a train to Prague (the four of us Alyssa, Josh, Christina and I.) So now your caught up. I'm sorry Iwasn't more entertaing but I'm too damn tired from the partying, so not used to that life style!!!! Well, now it's off to bed!!!!

Later gaters!!!


1 comment:

  1. as i said you can come to Katowice. lake house party was aborted so i'm sitting home and relaxing and making music... ;)

    Jane who worked with MJ ;)
