Sunday, August 16, 2009

Never say Nevers

Lyon was pretty amazing despite our short visit. It's too expensive to stay in the hotels there, so instead we hopped a train to Nevers, France. If you picture the country and point directly to the center that's where Nevers should be, right along the river.

Camping is currently our cheapest option with less than 6 euros per person a night. Although we're still sleeping on the ground but the sand seems a little more comfortable. We are getting the hang of this camping thing, except we still don't have electricity or internet. At this point we're only surviving on what we can buy at the grocery store and wine. Oh yeah and Kababs (I think we're becoming regulars at the one place) and if it's not Kababs then its McDonalds cause they have free Wifi. Oh and it's like $9 for a value meal, super expensive!!!!! Nevers is even smaller than Lyon which means that even less people speak English. The town is really cute and easy to walk around, old castles and antique looking buildings.

My favorite part of Nevers would be the canoe trip that Josh and I took. We went down the river that I can't remember the name of, it was really quiet and relaxing. The water was pretty shallow because in most parts we could stand in the water and walked the whole way. The water here is so clear that you can see all of the fish, even from the top of the bridges. Had we had our fishing poles we may have given it a try.

Our days in Nevers were spent walking around town while we spent our nights laying on the beach drinking wine and watching the meteor shower. AMAZING!!!!! We saw so many shooting stars. We tried finding constellations but the only two I know of our the Big and Small Dippers. We also discovered that if you look closely you can see the satellites circling the earth. I of course was determined to take a picture of a shooting star so I sat with my camera the whole time taking pictures of all the stars, probably about a few 100 or so. I think all I got was the tail end of one. Oh well there's always next time.

In a day we will be off to Paris to finish up the trip, I can't believe it's almost over. :(

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